The Haller Method is a holistic way of approaching clinical dysfunction. It takes into account five areas that affects the vast majority of clients that we see. We have found that if you don’t address all five areas at some point, there is not complete resolution.
1. Nutrition
Nutrition is vitally important. Our body needs certain key elements to function properly. So I will work with people to discover what their nutritional needs are while addressing the problem they have come to see me about. A huge component of so many of the meltdowns comes about through nutrition. So addressing nutrition is an important piece. An example is the stress vitamin, vitamin B’s. If we are going to be dealing with stress, it is a good idea to have the support pieces for stress management at a cellular level.
2. Trauma
Most clients come to us because there was some sort of trauma. If we don’t address the physiological response of their body to the trauma, their body remembers it and stays locked in that memory. This means that their muscles don’t move where we want them to move. We can’t change anything because the muscles are locked down and to do something in a different way means you have to move muscles in a different way, which is disposed of decisively by the lock down.
3. Stress Response
If a person has a stress response, they only have access to one half of their brain at any given time. This defeats the point of any treatment. For us to be integrated human beings we have to have a cohesive whole brain. If we don’t access both our creative side and our sequencing side we don’t end up with an end product that we want. We can’t get ourselves to where we want to go. It also blocks communication. It blocks our ability to express ourselves. It can block your ability to remove yourself from danger. So we need to address stress management within the treatment process to get the best results
4. Establish connectivity
Connectivity to body and connectivity to society.
Within ourselves, we have to be able to connect to ourself. We can’t be disassociated. This also applies to significant people. We have to attach to a significant other and our my community. And if we don’t create those attachments, we end up as isolated beings. We are mammals, we are social beings, and we need connections to others for optimal function.
Another aspect of this is that to be able to empathise during interactions with others; we need to identify the muscles that contract in our own body when that emotion or state is communicated by another, to fully understand the implications.
5. Neurological Maturity and Structures
Finally, once the first four pieces are in place we have to grow the neurological structures needed for being fully human and fully alive. The development of those structures is crucial so that my clients have a choice in how they respond to any kind of stimuli. In other words, they don't have to meltdown; they can walk away, choose a different food, breathe, or do something other than scream. They can mature.